EventbriteDr. Philip Mirowski will be running a seminar inspired by his new book All the Knowledge We Have Lost Due to Information. The book examines the role of information in modern economics and how it influences policy and politics.

We will be reading “Information in Economics: A Fictionalist Account.” The article proposes that certain classes of economic models best be understood as “fictions.” The article will be circulated in advance.

Thursday, February 16th from 10 AM to 12 PM
EV Building, Room EV-11.705
Sir George William Campus, Concordia University,
1515 St. Catherine W.
Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as possible!
Email fenwick.mckelvey@concordia.ca with any questions.

Visit Eventbrite for more information and to register.

Dr. Philip Mirowski is Carl Koch Chair of Economics and the History and Philosophy of Science, and Fellow of the Reilly Center, University of Notre Dame. He is a critical historian of science and technology with an expertise in economics. He’s been particularly influential in tracing the development of post-War economics especially its formulate as a science.

Algorithmic Media Observatory
Department of Communication Studies
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
FRQSC_RGB(multimedia-transparent)MilieuxRISK Working Group

Eventbrite (1)February 16, 5:30 PM 

Milieux Institute, EV Building, Room 11.705
1515 St-Catherine ST. W., Concordia University

Openness was supposed to save science. Heralded as modern science’s saving grace, the “open science” movement had its debut among the scientific and general community in the last 15 years, reputedly to render the field more accessible and democratic. In this talk, historian and philosopher of economic thought Philip Mirowski deconstructs the emergence of and current craze for “openness.” Starting with the work of some historians of science, he explores the indictments of the older regime of science by its advocates, and then outlines the neoliberal realizations of the program. The proper frame of understanding involves the quest to have the market validate truth, and to Taylorize the scientific process.

Algorithmic Media Observatory
Department of Communication Studies
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
FRQSC_RGB(multimedia-transparent)MilieuxRISK Working Group