What makes a space a milieu?


What makes a space a milieu? How are they formed and what do they promise to create?

MHRC Coordinator Elise Cotter is featured in Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University’s Pause Button. The online zine hopes to disseminate the research, ideas, prototypes and discoveries that come in and out of Milieux to the wider public. As Director, Bart Simon exclaims, it is “a renewal of the idea of the public university and of the desire to be public.”

“Messages, Medium, Milieux” looks at the often forgotten bond between media & geography. The article was inspired by media historian, John Durham Peters’ recent visit to Concordia University as a guest speaker for the Media History Research Centre.

Read the article here: http://ow.ly/4SmX306OQVZ


John Lilly, Dolphin Voices, and the Tape Medium


Upcoming JOHN DURHAM PETERS event with the Media History Research Centre.

John Lilly, who made dolphins famous as cosmic minds in the water, was obsessed with their bioacoustic practices. Sound technologies, especially tape, were the conditio sine qua non of Lilly’s cetacean research. He used tape to decrypt dolphin communications. The taped infrastructure of his quest for alternate worlds makes Lilly’s work of vital interest for media history, our understanding of sound, the tape medium, and in the stakes of the quest for otherness.

September 22 | 5:30 PM
Henry F. Hall Building H-763
Sir George William Campus
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve W.

For more information, email fenwick.mckelvey@concordia.ca

Upcoming September 30 Event: Benjamin Peters Talk


The Media History Research Centre presents


 SPEAKER Benjamin Peters, Assistant Professor of Communication, from University of Tulsa

RESPONDENTS Fenwick McKelvey, Communication Studies, and Elena Razlogova, History, from Concordia University

WHEN Friday September 30 | 2 to 4 PM

WHERE CJ 1.114 | Loyola Campus, 7141 Sherbrooke W., Concordia University


For further information, contact jeremy.stolow@concordia.ca